Sunday, March 17, 2013

ForbiddenBits Ctf WriteUp - Invisible

Hi Folks,

I tried to run the ForbiddenBits Ctf on my own during this week-end, and despite my lack of motivation I managed to perform one of the several given challenges; it's called "invisible".

We are given a URL that points to... A blank page. Not that blank. Viewing the source code & typing ctrl+a informs us that the page actually contains spaces and tabulations.

You can find the content at

I therefore remembered of a programming language called WhiteSpace and I felt lucky at this time! All we have to do is to download a whitespace interpreter / debugger to run the script. You can find one at I have compiled the program for the Windows platform here:

Compiling the program & launching it with our whitespace script directly spawns an invisible; the challenge's actually not over and we are asked for a password to input. And if our password goes wrong, we are told so.

C:\Users\Geoffrey\Documents\ForbiddenBits\WhiteSpace\pack\Debug>inter file.txt
WhiteSpace interpreter in C++ (speedy!!)
Made by Oliver Burghard
in his free time for your and his joy
good time and join me to get Whitespace ready for business
For any other information dial 1-900-WHITESPACE
Or get soon info at
-- WS Interpreter C++ ------------------------------------------

Since I am not a WhiteSpace hacker, I decide to run the script with the debug option.

C:\Users\Geoffrey\Documents\ForbiddenBits\WhiteSpace\pack\Debug>inter file.txt -d
WhiteSpace interpreter in C++ (speedy!!)
Made by Oliver Burghard
in his free time for your and his joy
good time and join me to get Whitespace ready for business
For any other information dial 1-900-WHITESPACE
Or get soon info at
-- WS Interpreter C++ ------------------------------------------
1 push 119
2 push 0
3 inc

There aree three instructions that "pushes" values. Probably onto a stack? But it's not such a big deal; by instinct I decide to find out what the 119 means. Its ASCII values corresponds to 'w'. Typing a w and pressing enter make me run through more code.

C:\Users\Geoffrey\Documents\ForbiddenBits\WhiteSpace\pack\Debug>inter file.txt -d
WhiteSpace interpreter in C++ (speedy!!)
Made by Oliver Burghard
in his free time for your and his joy
good time and join me to get Whitespace ready for business
For any other information dial 1-900-WHITESPACE
Or get soon info at
-- WS Interpreter C++ ------------------------------------------
1 push 119
2 push 0
3 inc
4 push 0
5 retrive
6 sub
7 jumpz 325
9 label 325
10 push 115
11 push 0
12 inc
13 push 0
14 retrive
15 sub
16 jumpz 327
17 jump 323
129 label 323
130 push 119
131 outc
w132 push 114
133 outc
r134 push 111
135 outc
o136 push 110
137 outc
n138 push 103
139 outc
g140 exit

Looks like the more good characters you have, the more you can find the other ones. We can see the "push 115" instruction after a kind of conditionnal jump. The 155 value finds its pair as 's' into the ASCII table. By repeating such a procedure we can find the pass: "wslang".

C:\Users\Geoffrey\Documents\ForbiddenBits\WhiteSpace\pack\Debug>inter file.txt
WhiteSpace interpreter in C++ (speedy!!)
Made by Oliver Burghard
in his free time for your and his joy
good time and join me to get Whitespace ready for business
For any other information dial 1-900-WHITESPACE
Or get soon info at
-- WS Interpreter C++ ------------------------------------------
The key is We_are_Nasus

Funny challenge, pretty straightforward, not that time-consuming if you already know what WhiteSpace is. Otherwise you've been given another (useless :P) knowledge. It was my unique write-up of this ctf. I am a wanker and I know it. See you guys! :))



ForbiddenBits -
WhiteSpace language -